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What is ABA Therapy? 

 ABA Therapy is...

ABA, or Applied Behavior Analysis, is the science of studying behavior. It is a way of looking at why behaviors occur by considering the individual's environment, motivation, and learning history. ABA is a process of breaking complex skills into smaller parts that are easier to learn. ABA uses data to make decisions. Most importantly, ABA should make meaningful and positive changes a persons life.  There are thousands of ways to implement the science of ABA and it's important to find what works best for each person and situation

Who provides ABA 

ABA is provided by a BCBA or Board-Certified Behavior Analysis. They are required to have a masters level education, complete 2,000 hours of training, and pass a qualification exam.


Often a BCBA will direct a team of individuals who work with clients. Sometimes referred to as Registered Behavior Technicians, Techs, or RBTs for short.

Types of ABA 

There are numerous styles and implementations of ABA.

Intensive ABA occurs at more than 20 hours a week. A BCBA might work with an individual using a mix of natural training, play/child lead learning opportunities, direct /table time, and daily life skills. 


Focused ABA occurs at less than 20 hours a week. These clients often receive other services or are in school and focus on specific skills which aren't being mastered in other settings. For example, transitioning between activities, engaging with friends, or communicating when a break is needed.  


Consultation Services is a third type of ABA delivery is a consultation model. A BCBA works with the client and caregivers on specific goals to meet deficits. This often occurs 1-5 hours a week.


How is ABA different than other therapies 

​The main difference between ABA and talk therapy, Speech therapy, or even OT, is the way ABA uses data to determine the effectiveness of treatment and shape decisions. A BCBA will also focus on the client's individual learning patterns to identify tools that will work best in each situation. 

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